
The Borgen Project

Secondary Reinforcer Definition Secondary reinforcement occurs when a particular stimulus reinforces a certain behavior via association with a primary reinforcer. In behavioral psychology reinforcement is a consequence applied that will strengthen an organisms future behavior whenever that behavior is preceded by a specific antecedent stimulus.

A Secondary Positive Reinforcer

For example when training a dog praise and.

Secondary reinforcer definition psychology. Secondary reinforcement refers to a situation in which a stimulus reinforces a behavior after it has been associated with a primary reinforcer. Reinforcers occur after the response or behavior that you want to increase. Some stimulus that does not naturally provide reinforcement is paired with a primary reinforcer so that the organism begins to associate the secondary reinforcer.

A human example of a secondary or conditioned reinforcer is money. These reinforcers arent important for survival like the primary reinforcers but are still vital for daily living. A tangivle secondary reinforcer such as money gold stars poker chips and the like Unconditioned Response An innate reflex response elicited by an unconditioned stimulus.

Unlike primary reinforcers secondary reinforcers have no innate biological value. Secondary Reinforcement refers to a situation wherein a stimulus reinforces a behavior after being previously associated with a primary reinforcer or a stimulus that satisfies basic survival instinct such as food drinks and clothing. Basically it is anything that you have taught your dog to like.

Serves as a reinforcer through association with a primary reinforcement. Secondary reinforcement also known as conditioned reinforcement involves stimuli that have become rewarding by being paired with another reinforcing stimulus. A reinforcer is something that increases the likelihood that a specific behavior or response will occur.

Lets say youre training your dog to sit. Heres an example of how a secondary reinforcer is established. Secondary reinforcers possess qualities that impact behavior.

This stimulus may be a primary reinforcer or another conditioned reinforcer such as money. When you give your dog a food treat and tell him good boy hes getting both the primary stimulus of the treat and the secondary reinforcement of the verbal praise. A secondary reinforcer can be helpful or not.

Characteristics that differ between the sexes other than reproductive organs such as body hair facial hair and voice pitch. For example if I told you that dollars were no longer going to be used as money then dollars would lose their power as a secondary reinforcer. How Secondary Reinforcement Helps Condition Behavior Article What Is the Psychological Definition of Libido.

As a hypothetical example lets say you have a pet kitten and are trying to teach the kitten a specific behavior with reinforcement. Secondary Reinforcement. Secondary reinforcers acquire their power via a history of association with primary reinforcers or other secondary reinforcers.

The principal endogenouspacemaker in mammals is a small group. Secondary reinforcers A secondary reinforcer sometimes called a conditioned reinforcer is a stimulus or. Servesas a reinforcer through association with a primaryreinforcement.

Secondary reinforcer Any neutral stimulus that initially has no intrinsic value for an organism but that becomes rewarding when linked with a primary reinforcer eg praise shaping. Secondary reinforcers is anything that can predict a reinforcer. Every time you utter the command sit and he responds by sitting down you give him a treat as a reward and tell him good boy.

These reinforcers are also known as Conditioned Reinforcers. A secondary reinforcer sometimes called a conditioned reinforcer is a stimulus or situation that has acquired its function as a reinforcer after pairing with a stimulus which functions as a reinforcer. Unlike primary reinforcers which are naturally reinforcing secondary reinforcers are reinforcing only after the organism has been conditioned to find it reinforcing.

Psychology term of the day. Secondary reinforcers refer to stimuli which become rewarding when paired with other reinforcing stimuli. Inherited mechanismsimportant for the regulation of biologicalrhythms particularly in the absence of external cues.

Secondary Reinforcers Definition Examples Secondary reinforcement refers to the additional reinforcement of a behavior after it has already been mentally associated with primary reinforcement. While a primary reinforcer is innate a secondary reinforcer is a stimulus that becomes reinforcing after being paired with a primary reinforcer such as. Conditioned reinforcers can be much more reinforcing to a dog than primary reinforcers.

They are also called conditioned reinforcers.